Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Star Wars Party

Sooo...much to my dismay, my husband is obsessed with Star Wars.  Like, ob. sessed.  I had no idea until about two years into our marriage.  About two years too late.  ;)  This year I decided to throw him a little Star Wars shindig for his birthday.  It turned out super cute, so I thought I'd share!

We had  a start of summer BBQ with Han Burgers, Pod-a-to Salad, Chewie Chips and Dip, and a rad Death Star watermelon my friend carved.

For Dessert we had Leia Buns, Wookie Cookies, Tatooine Trail Mix, and of course, cake!

 I got a lot of ideas on Pinterest (duh) and I made light saber napkin holders (which were my fave) and pool noodle light sabers for the kiddos!  (Don't I have the cutest nieces and nephews ever?!)


 I was planning on light sabers out of large pretzel rods dipped in chocolate, but my mom bought me little pretzels instead.  Have I mentioned how I hate not being allowed to drive?  Ugh, epilepsy!  So, not wanting her to fret, I decided to make a trail mix with the little guys.  I melted some candy melts and dipped them.

Then, I added some whoppers for thermal detonators!  Next, I wanted to add something super scary...Darth Vader heads.  Around Easter I found some Darth Vader easter eggs at Target.  (I'm sure you could find them on Amazon.)  

I sprayed them liberally with cooking spray, then filled them with my candy melts.  This little deviled egg transporter was great for holding them in place while I filled them.  Sidenote:  I make stellar deviled eggs.  It's a secret recipe, though.  ;)

It was REALLY messy.  Be warned.  They were a little difficult to get out, so I used my hairdryer to melt them a little, then used a meat mallet to pound them till they came out.  They looked a little scary when I finally got them out, but he's scary, right?


 Now, let's talk cake.  This was one of my fave cakes.  Hubs said it was my best yet!  Isn't he cute?  It was actually a lot easier than I thought it would be. I didn't dowel him so by morning,  he collapsed on himself a little.  Next time I'll dowel his body and add a board under his second layer and his head. I used four six inch cakes stacked on themselves and one half of a Wilton ball pan for his bod.  His head is covered in gray fondant sprayed with Wilton color spray and his body is buttercream with fondant accents.

 For his arms I got a little tricky.  I was going to use rice krispie treats but I didn't have any on hand.  I used four cupcakes dissected; two regular cupcakes and two jumbo ones.  Now, to explain this, I had to utilize my technical writing degree in all it's glory.  Click here for instructions on how to assemble R2D2's arms.

Be sure to leave a comment and a link to your R2 cake!  Happy birthday, Honey!

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