I wanted to go out with a bang and saved this recipe for last. It was pretty easy to make and the presentation was awesome. I'd love to have a harvest dinner party and serve the pinwheels, the pasta, and these for dessert. Spencer hollowed out the pumpkins for me and we cooked them while we handed out candy and watched Poltergiest III. We turned it off because I am afraid of mirrors anyway, and the whole thing is about freaky reflections!! Anyway, the recipe is from Better Homes and Gardens. We could be better at crystallizing the sugar, but it was fun.
So, I bet you're wondering, would I do it again? No. It was exhausting. I'd totally do it again for like a week. There are still some recipes I want to try, like Chocolate Drizzled Pumpkin Profiteroles, Pumpkin Cornbread, Pumpkin Magic Bars, and Pumpkin Macaroons. Plus recipes I so want to make again, like the chilli, the doughnut holes, and the whoopies. That's a week right there! I'm all set for next year.
What were our favorites? I'd say the top five are the doughnut holes, whoopies, chili, pasta, and dump cake.
How did I do it? I cut all of these recipes in half, or even fourths, like I do almost everything, and most everything turned out great. My neighbors and family got a lot of treats. My trusty Kitchenaid got A LOT of use, as did my dishwasher and measuring cups. I went through two bags of sugar, two bags of flour, three cartons of eggs, and four packages of butter. I'd say I used about 25 cans of pumpkin. I'm pretty sure I gained some weight too, but I haven't checked. ;) I'm glad I did it. It was really fun, even when I had to start baking at 11 at night. And we have a whoooole lot of yummy pumpkin recipes in our cookbook!
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